Monthly Archives: January 2022

Davey Dobbs SHOULD NOT, part 7

“Pieces … of eight, me hearties!” Captain Davey Dobbs of the pirate ship Different holds up a fistful of gold coins and roars down from the poop deck to his pirate crew. “That’s what we’re a-fightin’ forrrrr. A bounteous fortune …

Davey Dobbs SHOULD NOT, part 6

Space … … is a big place for an astronaut alone. Space Ranger Davey Dobbs doesn’t mind. Adventure is his middle name. (Not really, because then his initials would be DAD, which would be weird.) Space Ranger Davey slows his …

Davey Dobbs SHOULD NOT, part 5

Time … slooooooows then stops then spins backward through millennia until Davey tumbles down through a prehistoric sky and lands with a THWOP! in a muddy waterhole   a watery mudhole where a posse of stegosaurus glares at him. Hmm. …

Davey Dobbs SHOULD NOT, part 4

There’s Davey. In a clearing. In the woods. He lies on his back looking up, doing nothing. Doing nothing is the biggest NOT SUPPOSED TO of all. But do it he does. The clouds concoct a shape show just for …

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