Go slow

October 12, 2021

320 Sycamore Studios is a different kind of children’s book publisher. We share serialized stories via our weekly newsletter, host a read-aloud community, and offer free PDF versions of all the books we sell. Enjoy!
Heya <<First Name>>,

I struggle to get enough done and tend to think I can remedy my, ahem, under-productivity by scheduling smarter and working faster.


Fortunately, I usually remind myself pretty quickly that I need to question what I mean by words like “enough” and “productivity.” 

I recently came across an old TED talk by journalist and author Carl Honoré, who says that we’re “so marinated in the culture of speed that we almost fail to notice the toll it takes on every aspect of our lives.”

Honoré’s wake-up call?

Trying to speed-read to his son at bedtime.

“What should have been the most relaxing, the most intimate, the most tender moment of the day, when a dad sits down to read to his son, became instead this kind of gladiatorial battle of wills, a clash between my speed and his slowness.”

Honoré grew curious about our culture of speed, and wound up writing a book on the topic called “In Praise of Slow.”

His prescriptions for reclaiming your life include scheduling less, prioritizing tasks, limiting TV time, and monitoring your “personal speedometer.”

Or, you could just start by sitting down with a book.

Choose whatever practice works for you. And remember, change is hard, so go slow.

Happy reading.

Jeff, Bob, and Claire …
… who believe that reading with kids can change the world for the better

“Moldylocks and the Bear” continues

The bear. Illustration by Madeline Barber.

“Moldy” is by far our most ambitious book. It takes place in the zombie town of Plainfield (introduced in “Scar and the Wolf”) and follows Moldylocks LaMort on her quest to win the lead role in the annual town musical. To do so, however, she’ll have to face her arch-enemy, Jeminy Stinkpit, who will stop at nothing to win.

Come meet a whole new cast of characters (and body parts) in the latest Plainfield adventure. 

Both “Scar and the Wolf” and “Moldylocks and the Bear” will be available soon. For now, you can read a new installment of “Moldylocks” each week. 

See you next week with another batch of chapters!

“Tomb” time!

Feed your brain a Halloween treat.

Buy “Goodnight Tomb” >
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