Heya <<First Name>>,
Just after New Year’s, I revised our home page to feature our company’s core belief.

Even as we’re still reeling from the events last week in Washington, D.C., the idea feels truer than ever.
Reading with kids fosters curiosity, empathy, understanding, and a lot more. It really CAN make the world better.
Slowly, but surely.
Let us know what you’re reading
So, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing — sharing free versions of our stories.
But Bob, Zoe, and I also realized we can do more. For example, we can help you share great read-alouds — by any author — with each other.
We’ve got big ideas, but to start:
Can you let us know one book you love reading with kids?
Just hit “reply” and tell us.
Happy reading.
Jeff, Bob, and Zoe |